3740 Carnegie Ave., Ste B200, Cleveland, OH 44115 | 1-888-644-6266 OR 216-426-0646


Starting a new business or project in Ohio

Ohio law requires all companies to secure coverage through the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation. Applying for coverage is quick and easy. Follow the steps below to begin the process:

  1. Complete the U-3 form or application for coverage. U-3 Form
  2. Submit the completed form to the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation online.
  1. Pay the required security deposit. Security deposits vary based on the estimated payroll reported on the application for coverage. Payments can be accepted in the following format:
    • Deliver the payment to a local Bureau of Workers’ Compensation Service Office.
    • Pay online with a credit card. Visa, MasterCard and American Express are accepted online.
    • Authorize a payment through a checking or savings account.


Call our employer services department at MinuteMen OhioComp and ask to speak with a Regional Manager for further assistance with the application process and obtaining your certificate of coverage.


Once an employer secures coverage in Ohio and is issued a policy number, it is important to know that you should select a Managed Care Organization (MCO) to medically manage your workers’ compensation program. The Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) may automatically assign a MCO to an employer if one is not selected within 30 days. The employer pays no additional fee for our service - we are paid by the BWC. A new employer can simply enroll with MinuteMen OhioComp by completing the attached enrollment form.

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